Deirdre Wahito Kibaara
Nairobi, Kenya
Deirdre Kibaara has worked for both the public and private sector in Kenya specializing in business development and human resources management primarily in the tourism and eco-tourism sectors. Her expertise and experience spans a diverse array of policies and actions aimed at promoting growth in these sectors given that governments already have clear policy commitments to boosting the poverty impacts of tourism.
Deirdre has been involved in several national initiatives aimed at enhancing the local economic impacts of tourism and contributing to sustainable tourism, pro-poor tourism, and poverty alleviation thereby translating policy commitments into practice through a set of commercial incentives that make it in the interest of tourism operators to strengthen their local linkages, while running a commercial business.
As a board member of EAGLES 2030 she is responsible for host country relations, legal and administrative affairs, and coordination of business operations to secure efficiency and compliance to EAGLES 2030 policies.