Report Development

The bewildering array of environmental and sustainable development reports required to comply with various entitles can be overwhelming. The EAGLES 2030 Team offers an array of services to cut through the administrative minutiae and make your organisation shine.

  1. Working collaboratively to create sustainable development reports, such as:

    • Environment outlooks

    • State of environment reports

    • Environmental summaries

    • Environmental profiles

    • Sustainability reports

  2. Drafting environmental briefs and news releases.

  3. Conducting research and data analysis in support of environmental reporting.

  4. Soliciting, synthesizing and organising academic, NGO and industry inputs into needed documents for senior review.

  5. Developing and delivering reporting tools, including:

    • Promptly adapting templates vetted by intergovernmental experts to local circumstances.

    • Creating customized templates to be used in different circumstances.